Horario de Atención: Lunes - Viernes 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Reunión del Comité de Innovación y Tecnología de la Ciudad

3 de diciembre de 2021
13:00 - 15:00
Auditorio Municipal

Numbers say it all. Globally, progress in the wind sector continues to be strong with increasing annual installed capacity and growing investment in the sector. In 2015 alone, 63,013 megawatts of wind power capacity was installed globally an annual market growth of 22 percent. It is continuing its progress towards becoming a mainstream, competitive and reliable power source in both developing and mature markets. In fact, wind is becoming cheap enough in many places in the U.S.

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Among the most well-known types of yoga are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.

Makeup Change the World

Numbers say it all. Globally, progress in the wind sector continues to be strong with increasing annual installed capacity and growing investment in the sector. In 2015 alone, 63,013 megawatts of wind power capacity was installed globally an annual market growth of 22 percent. It is continuing its progress towards becoming a mainstream, competitive and reliable power source in both developing and mature markets. In fact, wind is becoming cheap enough in many places in the U.S.

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Horario de Atención

Plaza de la Constitución No.2
Tlaxcala, Tlax.

Lun – Vie: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Radio Municipal

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